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المسمى الوظيفي: Community Health Worker - عامل توعية صحية

رقم الشاغر: 469

الموعد الاخير

Oct. 21, 2021


Kasra - Deir Ezzor الكسرة - ديرالزور



♦ Minimum literacy level of high school equivalent to 12 years education

♦ Inclination toward public interest and voluntary work

♦ Health- or nutrition-related experience is preferable

♦ Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills

♦ Effective team player with strong leadership skills and initiatives

♦ Strong sense of personal integrity and understanding of confidentiality and ethics

♦ Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and travel as required to different field sites

♦ Living in the same community within area of intervention and is available as needed

♦ Willing to participate in training, self-improvement, and continuous learning

♦ Enthusiastic to use technology and handle smartphones or tablets


♦ CHW will carry on these set of activities and responsibilities at community level;
♦ Assessment and Data Collection
♦ Identification of vulnerabilities and high health risk individuals and families
♦ Distinguish marginalized groups of elderly, disabled, and minorities
♦ Tracking of new internally displaced people (IDPs) at risk
♦ Conduct community health needs assessment and service mapping
♦ Collect information and vital statistics about the health and nutrition status of individuals and families
♦ Screen for suspected cases of communicable diseases, using key signs and symptoms
♦ Monitor for risks and environmental hazards affecting health
♦ Detection of needs for health, protection, psychosocial support, and financial aid services
♦ Health Promotion & Community Participation
♦ Conduct individual and community-based health education of selected topics

♦ Conduct household visits, and if necessary, follow-up visits
♦ Encourage behavioural change towards positive healthy practices
♦ Promote good nutrition for the whole family and favourable IYCF practices
♦ Promote maternal, new-born, child health, and family planning services
♦ Educate about the importance of immunization and routine EPI services
♦ Provide health support for the elderly and disabled
♦ Early warning and notification about potential disease outbreaks and health hazards
♦ Promote disease prevention and effective response
♦ Raise awareness regarding the availability of health and other social services
♦ Conduct community mobilization activities and information sharing
♦ Provide early community-based emergency response
♦ Participate in campaigns (vaccination, hygiene, etc.)
♦ Distribution of IEC materials and health supportive kits if indicated (e.g., First Aid, Clean Delivery Kit, etc.)

Key Working Relationships:
♦ Establish links between communities, CBOs, and key actors
♦ Referrals to health care facilities and linking individuals in need to health services
♦ Coordinate with other outreach health activities and facilitate mobile clinics operation
♦ Linking community health to protection, WASH, psychosocial, and financial aid services
♦ Participate in relevant community meetings and health events • Participate in training courses, workshops, conferences, and other capacity building events
♦ Report to the organization on program challenges, data collected and other relevant information