موقع NES Jobs وظائف شمال شرق سوريا وسيلتك الأفضل للحصول على وظيفة في المنظمات الدولية والمجتمع المدني العاملة في المجال الإنساني في شمال وشرق سوريا
موقع NES Jobs دليلك الأفضل لتطوير سيرتك الذاتية و للحصول على التدريبات والنصائح الفعالة للمساعدة في اجتياز المقابلات

لكي يصلك كل جديد سجل اعجابك بصفحتنا


المسمى الوظيفي: MEAL Assistant

رقم الشاغر: 580

الموعد الاخير

Feb. 15, 2022




♦ University degree or secondary school certificate.

♦ Previous experience of data collection using digital data collection mobile applications or paper forms.

♦ Experience in monitoring and evaluation activities (surveys, data entry) highly desired.  

♦ Good interpersonal communications skills.

♦ Ability to use MS Word, Excel, and internet using skills.

♦ Fluency in Arabic is required

♦ English report writing skills is an asset.


♦ Gather contextual information on the area of responsibility, including general security situation, population movements, needs of people, presence of new/existing camps or collective centres

♦ Routinely receive or collect feedback from beneficiaries through different channels and send them accordingly to the Accountability Officer in Syria.

♦ Interact with beneficiaries through surveys and communicate the response or action taken from RI side.

♦ Conduct focus group discussions with projects beneficiaries.

♦ Conduct Key informants’ interviews with field project management staff and other field stakeholders.

♦  Conduct peer monitoring visits to other supported facilities.

♦ Any additional tasks required from the hiring manager.

♦ Assist the M&E Team in implementing monitoring and evaluation activities for the field program.

♦ conducting field-level data collection and analysis using different techniques including household surveys, market assessments, focus group discussions and key informant interviews.

♦ Compile, sort and analyze the information from field visits.

♦ Improve Monitoring and Evaluations department processes and procedures including data collection, data entry into databases, data filing, analysis and report writing.

♦ Maintain up to date databases and records on beneficiaries and activity delivery to ensure timely and easy access by program teams for activity delivery.

♦ Provide regular reports and data to the MEAL Officer as well as program teams to help in activity delivery.


♦ Uphold and promote our commitment to ensuring the safeguarding and safety of the vulnerable communities we serve.
♦ Consistent with our safeguarding and protection policies, ensure all people who come into contact with us are as safe as possible.

" We Has a zero-tolerance policy towards any behaviour that violates its code of conduct, including sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, as well as lack of integrity, corruption, and fraud. we also adheres to strict safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles"

"ان لدى المنظمة سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه أي سلوك يخرق مدونة قواعد السلوك الخاصة بها، بما في ذلك التحرش الجن ي س، والاستغلال  والإساءة ، والفساد, 
والاحتيال و الافتقار إلى النزاهة. كما تلتزم المنظمة بمبادئ الحماية الصارمة. ويلتزم جميع المرشحين المختارين لهذه المبادئ، وسيتم التحقق من المرجعية والخلفية بشكل
صارم ، ومن المتوقع أن يلنزك المرشح بهذه المعايير والمبادئ.