موقع NES Jobs وظائف شمال شرق سوريا وسيلتك الأفضل للحصول على وظيفة في المنظمات الدولية والمجتمع المدني العاملة في المجال الإنساني في شمال وشرق سوريا
موقع NES Jobs دليلك الأفضل لتطوير سيرتك الذاتية و للحصول على التدريبات والنصائح الفعالة للمساعدة في اجتياز المقابلات

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المسمى الوظيفي: Protection Manager

رقم الشاغر: 621

الموعد الاخير

March 24, 2022


Al Hasakah


This position demands a dynamic individual with a demonstrated ability to achieve results in a demanding and fast paced environment. To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or competency required.


♦ Minimum of 4 years experience in implementing protection programs with supervisory responsibilities, preferably working with conflict affected populations

♦ Bachelor’s degree in social work, political science, Gender/Women Studies, or other appropriate fields;

♦ Demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation and results based management, including capacity in remote management.

♦ Excellent interpersonal, communication, public speaking, and strategic planning skills required;

♦ Demonstrated ability to manage multiple priorities, deadlines, and tasks efficiently;

♦ Strong budgeting and budget monitoring skills.

♦ Excellent time management skills and resourcefulness with strong attention to detail.

♦ Strong communication, analytical and reporting skills and ability to present ideas effectively;

♦ Ability to communicate sensitively and without judgment; good diplomatic skills

♦ Familiarity with principles and practice of monitoring and evaluation • Excellent knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and email/internet software.

♦ This position requires an individual who is accustomed to the pace of emergency response programming, does not require close supervision or direction, is flexible and highly responsive, and has excellent organizational skills.

Language Skills: Fluency in Arabic and Very Good spoken/written English


In coordination with the Hub Team Leader in NES and the Protection Director in Amman, the Protection Manager will:

♦ Ensure proper implementation of all services and activities that are part of the protection programme

♦ Contribute to the design and implementation of monitoring activities (program, operational, financial) and program implementation and improvement plans

♦ Ensure work plans for each project are properly developed and updated

♦ Ensure sound budget management of all projects/activities related to protection; promptly flag budget-related issues concerning overspending and underspending and propose feasible and effective solutions

♦ Provide support to the field-based teams through active engagement with both the Protection Coordinator and the Senior Protection Officers, ensuring the implementation of activities is in line with the set workplans, targets are met and advice changes based on needs/changes in the context

♦ Evaluate activity progress, define performance indicators, structure operational data collection in coordination with M&E department and implement protocols for quality assurance

♦ Work closely with the MEAL team to ensure complaints response mechanism, is up to date and all issues are closely followed up, with adherence to the confidentiality principle

♦ Monitor level of project risk and the success of risk mitigation plans and report to NE Syria Hub team leader and Protection Director to promptly identify areas of concern and mitigate effectively

♦ Monitoring all levels of project cycle management and report to project program management team (NES and Amman based) to enable effective decision making by capturing detailed information on implementation of activities, identify and flag issues and propose mitigation measures and alternative solutions to overcome challenges

♦ Contribute to the development of SOPs (program and operational), and ensure they are implemented in line with us and donor procedures • Contribute to and ensure timely and quality reporting on project activities and progress on targets per set deadlines, and conduct regular on-track/off-track assessments with program team (for both internal and external reports)

♦ In close coordination with the technical coordinators in Amman, provide/ensure challenging of technical guidance, oversight and support to the GBV, PSS, outreach and protection monitoring team in the provision of quality services, and ensuring safe and ethical data monitoring

♦ Support in the development of community-based prevention activities and provide support to the field-based protection team in the oversight of implementing the community-based prevention activities to engage all community members including women, girls, men and boys in GBV prevention, response and risk mitigation

♦ Support Amman-based technical team in organizing and following up on the capacity building training activities of our staff (protection specific and protection mainstreaming)

♦ Contribute to identifying the WGSS needs/gaps, and the needs are addressed in coordination with technical and operations focal points in the hub and in Amman

♦ Collaboration with other our programs to ensure integration of activities where applicable, and protection is mainstreamed across our activities

♦ In coordination with HR and Amman based technical teams, recruit staff and work with supervisors to ensure Performance Management Plan for all staff is in place and followed up regularly

♦ Ensure field-based protection staff understand and adhere to our Way and GBV best-practice principles, including strict adherence to confidentiality

♦ Participate in all grant opening, mid-term and closing meetings, and ensure compliance with donor regulations during implementation of projects in close coordination with the protection manager

♦ Represent us in external protection coordination meetings, such as protection working group, GBV sub-working group etc.;

♦ Ensure protection cases are responded to in compliance with us and protection cluster guidelines

Grants, Finance and Operational responsibilities:

♦ Oversee development and implementation of procurement plans.

♦ Coordinate with operations to follow up on procurement and report back to the hub team leader on delays

♦ Work on realistic and accurate spend down plans and regularly flag any under-over spend and plan mitigation measures • Coordinate with NES hub finance any updates to spend down plan • Liaise with support departments to monitor risks and develop a log to measure improvements • In coordination with the grants department, ensure program is in compliance with us and donor policies and procedures. • Based on gaps identified at field level, actively participate in proposal development process to ensure relevance of proposed activities and link to our country strategy.


♦ Uphold and promote our commitment to ensuring the safeguarding and safety of the vulnerable communities we serve.
♦ Consistent with our safeguarding and protection policies, ensure all people who come into contact with us are as safe as possible.

" We Has a zero-tolerance policy towards any behaviour that violates its code of conduct, including sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, as well as lack of integrity, corruption, and fraud. we also adheres to strict safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles"

"ان لدى المنظمة سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه أي سلوك يخرق مدونة قواعد السلوك الخاصة بها، بما في ذلك التحرش الجن ي س، والاستغلال  والإساءة ، والفساد, 
والاحتيال و الافتقار إلى النزاهة. كما تلتزم المنظمة بمبادئ الحماية الصارمة. ويلتزم جميع المرشحين المختارين لهذه المبادئ، وسيتم التحقق من المرجعية والخلفية بشكل
صارم ، ومن المتوقع أن يلنزك المرشح بهذه المعايير والمبادئ.