موقع NES Jobs وظائف شمال شرق سوريا وسيلتك الأفضل للحصول على وظيفة في المنظمات الدولية والمجتمع المدني العاملة في المجال الإنساني في شمال وشرق سوريا
موقع NES Jobs دليلك الأفضل لتطوير سيرتك الذاتية و للحصول على التدريبات والنصائح الفعالة للمساعدة في اجتياز المقابلات

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المسمى الوظيفي: Base Translator - مترجم المركز

رقم الشاغر: 680

الموعد الاخير

April 28, 2022


Raqqa, Northeast Syria - الرقة، شمال شرق سوريا


The post holder should be able to demonstrate the following attributes:

♦ An understanding of NGOs and a commitment to humanitarian work.

♦ Have minimum of two years of experience in doing translation/interpretation work.

♦ Ability to manage multiple urgent demands within short time and limited resources while still able to produce high quality of work.

♦ Strong computer skills (MS Office, outlook, power point presentation)

♦ Hold minimum diploma degree in relevant fields (transaltion, english literature etc.).

♦ Fluent in written and verbal communication in Arabic, Kurdish and English

♦ Ability to work in a multi-cultural setting.  

♦ Willing to work extra hours when required.


Overall Purpose of the Job

The Translator responsibility is to facilitate translation services for organization staff particularly for support services as directed by the Base Manager  

Reporting structure

The Translator reports to Base Manager – Raqqa, Northeast Syria. 

Detailed Responsibilities

♦ Provide simultaneous interpretation for staff in the field from English to Arabic/Kurdish or vice versa

♦ Translate official documents from English to Arabic/Kurdish or vice versa.

♦ Support the team in the fields to interpret during the trainings, and on the day-to-day basis.

♦ Ensure that listeners understand the interpretation correctly during the translation process. 

♦ Follow up on requests and documents submitted to in regards to training or operations.

♦ Accompany staff to attend meetings and provide translation service as as directed by Base Manager

♦ Provide translation and interpretation support to BM, HOSS and HR when required.

♦ Transalte intrenal office memos and SOPs in Arabic and Kurdish Language

♦ Write official letter, office memos and SOPs with clear guidance from line manager

♦ Being sensitive to the culture of the original languages and the target languages during the translation process

♦ Take minutes in the meetings for Support Team

♦ Perform other duties as assigned by Line Manager.


♦ Work in compliance with/ uphold organization's Safeguarding framework - Policy on Personal Conduct, Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, Dignity at Work Policy, Reporting Malpractice (Whistleblowing) Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy and Policy on Modern Slavery

♦ Demonstrate an open and transparent way of working that facilitates a strong safeguarding culture

This is a non-contractual document that can be varied from time to time as circumstances dictate. This job description is intended to summarize the main duties and responsibilities of the post; this is not intended to be a full and exhaustive list of tasks. All organization staff are expected to demonstrate flexibility and willingness to perform appropriate tasks when the need arises.

How to apply:

Female candidates are encouraged to apply. 

Due to the urgency for this position, the shortlisting wiil be done on a rolling basis

♦ Applicants should send their application letters and a detailed CV including a copy of their  National ID, Father’s Family Book, Passport size Photo

♦ نشجع النساء على التقدم.

♦ بسبب الاضطرارية الى هذا الشاغر، سيتم مراجعة الطلبات بشكل دوري

♦ يجب على المتقدمين إرسال طلب التقديم مع السيرة الذاتية وصورة عن الهوية الشخصية أو دفتر العائلة بالاضافة الى صورة شخصية بقياس صور جواز السفر


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