موقع NES Jobs وظائف شمال شرق سوريا وسيلتك الأفضل للحصول على وظيفة في المنظمات الدولية والمجتمع المدني العاملة في المجال الإنساني في شمال وشرق سوريا
موقع NES Jobs دليلك الأفضل لتطوير سيرتك الذاتية و للحصول على التدريبات والنصائح الفعالة للمساعدة في اجتياز المقابلات

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المسمى الوظيفي: Housekeeper/Cleaner - مستخدمة

رقم الشاغر: 682

الموعد الاخير

April 28, 2022


Raqqa / Hasakah, Northeast Syria - الرقة والحسكة في شمال شرق سوريا


♦ An understanding of NGOs and a commitment to humanitarian work.

♦ Two years of working as cleaner / house keeper preferably with Internation Humanitraian Organziation

♦ Physically fit and in good health.

♦ Ability to speak, read and write english (preferable) and Arabic.


Overall Purpose of the Job

The Housekeeper/ Cleaners primary role is to ensure that oranization Offices & Staff Houses  are kept clean and tidy at all times.

Reporting structure

The Cleaner reports to the Base Manager.

Detailed Responsibilities

♦ Clean all floors in all offices, bed rooms, meeting rooms, kitchens, store, stairs and corridors by using appropriate methods (mopping with claning agents e.g. dettol)

♦ Use vacume machine to clean all the carpets

♦ Clean all toilets, bath rooms and handwashing locations with sterliazation agent

♦ Clean (dusting) all the tables, chairs, doors, equipments and appliances.

♦ Clean the windows (glass) by using appropriate method (e.g. using glass cleaner etc.)

♦ Assist the cook in maitaining the hygiene condition

♦ Empty the dust bins on daily basis and dispose by considering the safety measure and local municipal regulations

♦ Change the bedding as per schedule

♦ Assist in arranging bed rooms and offices

♦ Spray insect repellent when needed.

♦ Laundary the cloths of intrenational staff as per schedule

♦ Laundary the beddings, towels and kitchen cloths

♦ Communicate the needs of gygiene supplies to supervisor

♦ Communicate any need of repair and maitenance in office / staff house (e.g.plumbing issues, replacement of bulbs, AC need repair etc.)

♦ While perforing durties ensure all safety measures are taken (taking care of hazards, wearing gloves, masks, safety shoes etc.)

♦ Carries out duties in the office as required by the Supervisor.


This is a non-contractual document that can be varied from time to time as circumstances dictate. This job description is intended to summarize the main duties and responsibilities of the post; this is not intended to be a full and exhaustive list of tasks. All organization staff are expected to demonstrate flexibility and willingness to perform appropriate tasks when the need arises. 

How to apply:

Female candidates are encouraged to apply. 

Due to the urgency for this position, the shortlisting wiil be done on a rolling basis

♦ Applicants should send their application letters and a detailed CV including a copy of their  National ID, Father’s Family Book, Passport size Photo

♦ نشجع النساء على التقدم.

♦ بسبب الاضطرارية الى هذا الشاغر، سيتم مراجعة الطلبات بشكل دوري

♦ يجب على المتقدمين إرسال طلب التقديم مع السيرة الذاتية وصورة عن الهوية الشخصية أو دفتر العائلة بالاضافة الى صورة شخصية بقياس صور جواز السفر


للتقديم للشاغر في الرقة اضغط هنا وارفق الملفات المطلوبة


للتقديم للشاغر في الحسكة اضغط هنا وارفق الملفات المطلوبة