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المسمى الوظيفي: طلب تقديم عروض / دعوة للمناقصة معدات طبية- Medical Equipment Tender
رقم الشاغر: 750
الموعد الاخير
July 24, 2022
Derek - Hassakah
يجب ان ترفق المناقصات و العروض بالملفات المطلوبة التالية :
♦ Annex A RI Bid Form (signed and stamped)
♦ Annex B Tender and Contract Award Acknowledge Certificate (signed and stamped)
♦ Annex C Conditions of Tendering (signed and stamped
♦ Annex E Bill of Quantities/ proposal (signed and stamped)
♦ The bidder must provide List of authorized signatures
♦ The bidder must provide the Company profile.
♦ Bidder must provide Legal/valid medical registration document to work in country of operation (proven registration)
♦ Bidders must provide quotes for at least 50% of the full list of the BoQ
♦ Bidder must provide Catalogues for all proposed items
يرجى كتابة المعلومات التالية على متن المغلف:
♦ RFB/ITT Reference: PR/SYR/IH/2022/183 Medical Equipment
♦ اسم الشركة
♦ اسم الشخص المخول بتسليم المغلف
♦ اريخ التسليم
♦ The following information must be included on the front of the sealed Envelope:
♦ RFB/ITT Reference: PR/SYR/IH/2022/183 Medical Equipment
♦ Company Name:
♦ Company Representative Name:
♦ Submission Date:
The Bids must include:
♦ Annex A RI Bid Form (signed and stamped).
♦ Annex B Tender and Contract Award Acknowledge Certificate (signed and stamped).
♦ Annex C Conditions of Tendering (signed and stamped).
♦ Annex E Bill of Quantities/ proposal (signed and stamped).
♦ The bidder must provide List of authorized signatures.
♦ The bidder must provide the Company profile.
♦ Bidder must provide Legal/valid medical registration document to work in country of operation (proven registration).
♦ Bidders must provide quotes for at least 50% of the full list of the BOQ .
♦ Bidder must provide Catalogues for all proposed items.
♦ الرجاء ارسال المناقصات و العروض بالظرف المختوم و تسلم و تسجل حسب الاصول لدى احدى مكاتبنا في المواقع التالية:
♦ ديريك - مقابل حديقة فجين- شارع المرور
♦ الحسكة - حي المفتي- شارع المنظمات - شرقي حديقة كاوا
♦ تسلم العروض في المواقع المذكوره اعلاه ليس بعد يوم الاغلاق، و سوف لا ينظر في اي مناقصة غير متقيدة مع موعد الاغلاق و المعايير الالزامية المذكوره
♦ The bid documents must be submitted as hard copies in one sealed envelope at one of our offices located in Northeast Syria no later than the closing date and time including all the required documents. Otherwise, bids will be disqualified.
♦ Hassaka Office: Al Moufti Area, Al Mounzaman street, East of Kaw Park
♦ Derik Office: Facing Figin Park, Al Mourour Street.
How to apply:
♦ مناقصة شراء معدات طبية رقم
Medical Equipment PR.IH.SYR.183.2022
♦ اخر موعد لتسليم المناقصات هو24 تموز 2022 ليس بعد الساعة الرابعة مساءً / التوقيت المحلي
♦ It is the responsibility of all bidders to ensure that their bid is delivered not later than 24 of July 2022 by 4:00 p.m Syria Time
اضغط هنا للاستفسار و طلب وثائق المناقصة وسوف يتم تلقي رابط للملفات المطلوبة بشكل تلقائي
♦ you will receive the reply within 48 hours.
♦ سيتم الرد على اي اسفسار خلال مدة اقصاها 48 ساعة.